We’re proud to be exhibiting at DesignCon 2013, and we hope to see you there!

By Brian White | January 9, 2013

Be sure to visit us in booth 724, where we’ll be highlighting this exciting offer among others:

Freedom CAD is your “one-stop shop” for all your PCB Design Engineering needs. We will have PCB designers and engineers on hand to discuss your design challenges and share our capabilities, tools and full array of proto turnkey solutions. With 35 designers, we are one of the largest layout service providers in North America specializing in high-performance PCB design.

Other services include:

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  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Signal Integrity Analysis & Simulation
  • Design Data Translation
  • Temporary & Permanent Contractor Placement
  • Fabrication & Assembly of turnkey prototypes.


Our expert use of today’s most powerful Printed Circuit Board CAD tools from Cadence, Mentor & Altium enables us to deliver the most complex designs efficiently, cost effectively and meet the requirements the first time! We’ll show you how we effectively use design floor planning to minimize our design layer counts, saving time and money. And with multiple shifts, we can effectively reduce your design development cycle time.

If you haven’t registered yet it’s not too late, click here to register today and visit us in booth 724!

Each year, the semiconductor and electronic design engineering communities look to the DesignCon exhibit floor as THE place that showcases the latest technologies and developments in the industry.

The 2013 Expo will feature more exhibitors than any other design engineering event this season, offering engineers and engineering managers a unique opportunity to learn about the technology solutions. Education, in turn, leads to correct decision making in product and vendor selections.

Register today, and join us at DesignCon 2013.

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